About “Immediately Forgettable”

You don’t remember me do you?

We’ve met before. Several times actually. We’ve worked together for several years.


No, I’m not kidding.

Listen, it’s not your fault. I have super powers. Well, more like a single super power. I have the ability to slip completely from people’s minds the instant they look away from me.

Yes. I am serious…


That is opening of Immediately Forgetable, a novel I am writing about a man who is so extraordinarily average, that no one ever notices him or, if forced into interaction with him, forgets he exists the moment he fades from view.

Through the course of the novel, he will go from the editor of business-to-business magazine about farming, to a would-be bank robber, to a CIA operative, to perhaps the only person who can save the world — all because of his seemingly useless superpower.

I have decided to post this story as I write it for several reasons, not the least of them being that, if I feel people are expecting it, I’ll be that much more inclined to finish it faster. I’d also like some constructive criticism to make this story the best it can be. (And by constructive criticism, I mean not, “You suck,” but more, “You suck because…”

Keep in mind that this is a work-in-progress. For the finished product, there will be additional research involved, as well as extensive re-writes, I’m sure. But what’s here will be readable and, I hope, entertaining.

As for me, my name is Anthony Savona, and I make my living by the word as the Editorial and Creative Director for a mid-sized business-to-business publishing company. I have been in the magazine writing, editing, and publishing business for 17 years, with a heavy dose of marketing thrown in. I am the Editor of a book named Console Confessions, which is a collection of first-person stories I gathered from my decade-plus as Managing Editor of EQ, a magazine dedicated to project recording studios and techniques.

My articles have appeared on MoviePoopShoot.com, Kevin Smith’s poorly named but very informative entertainment website (now the less scatologically named QuickStopEntertainment.com), the suburban humor website Burbia.com, and in the pages of GQ magazine (it was a long time ago, but still counts).

So I hope that you enjoy the story, and you agree that the world is ready for a forgettable superhero.